Paint, Preserve, PROTECT!
Colourtrend Surface Protect incorporates VAIRO® Healthcare technology which defends against virus contamination and transmission as well as inhibiting bacteria growth. The advanced silver ion technology proves an inhospitable environment for viruses and bacteria, which promotes a hygienic environment.
Our premium washable acrylic paint technology will keep your walls looking better for longer and is resistant to the absorption of common household stains making your walls easier to clean. Protect your surfaces and all those who come into contact with them with Surface Protect.
How does it work?
Enveloped Virus
Enveloped Virus
When an Enveloped Virus lands on painted walls, the Silver Ion attracts it, due to opposite loads. Then the Silver Ion destroys the lipid membrane of the virus, making it nonfunctional and unable to survive on the surface.
Non-Enveloped Virus
Non-Enveloped Virus
When a Non- Enveloped Virus lands on painted walls, the Silver Ion attracts it due to opposite loads. The Silver Ion destroys the protein coat, making it non-functional. Without the protein coat, the virus cannot survive on the surface.
The Silver Ion will destroy the bacteria’s cell wall, making them non-functional. Once in the cell, the Silver Ion disrupts the bacteria, preventing it from reproducing on the surface.

Where is it effective?
Colourtrend Surface Protect is effective in defending against virus contamination and transmission as well as inhibiting bacteria growth across a number of locations.
These locations include, but are not limited to; medical practices, hospitals, maternity clinics, aged care facilities, dentist surgeries, waiting rooms, physiotherapy rooms, schools, nurseries, childcare facilities, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, locker rooms, changing rooms, spa facilities, gym facilities, canteens, children's rooms, home gyms playrooms.