General Paints Group Community Guidelines
Social Media
User Generated Content:
Sharing Material with us
Material uploaded on social media using the hashtags #colourtrend, #colourtrendpaints and/or #thisiscurator, #curator may be selected for use on our social media profiles. Material uploaded on social media tagging the following accounts @colourtrendpaints and @curatorpaints may be selected for use on our social media profiles.
If your material is selected for use on our channels, you will be contacted by a member of the General Paints Group social media team for permission. The user retains all rights to the image served and may request to have the image removed at any time.
To have an image removed please contact and include a screenshot of the image that needs to be removed.
How to effectively share content with us:
You can either tag or use the relevant hashtags with your images. You can also share your images with us at or through our private messages on Instagram and Facebook. We may ask you to share the following information when tagging your photo:
- The appropriate credit (The photographer, Interior designer etc.)
- The colour(s) used within the photo, clearly labelling where the colours were used.
We cannot use any images that show any other third-party brand logos even if it is in the background (such as paint cans, sundries etc) so be mindful of background.
Ensure all pictures are of the highest quality, in-focus and cropped correctly.
Don’t use a border or any filters – we need the paint colour to reflect to its most accurate undertones/shade.
Images mustn’t have any links or text on it unless it states the colour of the paint used.
When an image is shared on GPG channels the colours used must only be Colourtrend or Curator and must not include other paint brands. That includes mixing Colourtrend/Curator colours in a different brand’s formula.
We reserve the right to reject or remove comments that are not in keeping with our policy and to block or ban users/followers who violate this policy.
We may require some information in order to share the post i.e details of the colours, user name or @handle in order to credit the image.
Comment Moderation and Response:
We will do our best to moderate and respond quickly to your comments and feedback. Although we are moderating our channels to help ensure that users’ posts comply with these Guidelines, we cannot be responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any comments or materials posted by other users.
Linking to our site
You may link to our home page, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it, but you must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval, or endorsement on our part where none exists. You must not establish a link from any website that is not owned by you.
Social Media / Online Customer Service:
General Paints Group operate customer services via direct mail on both Facebook and Instagram. We do not respond to customer queries on any other social channel.
We are here to help on Facebook and Instagram between the hours of 8.30am – 5pm GMT Monday to Friday (Excluding bank holidays) with any colour, product, or general queries you may have on any of our Colourtrend products and services. This excludes Bank Holidays where our customer services operate Tuesday to Friday 8.30am – 5pm.
Whilst we cannot guarantee a same day response, we endeavour to respond to all customer queries as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our average response time is 2-4 hours.
If a direct mail is received late on a Friday evening/ weekend or on a bank holiday we will respond as soon as possible on the next working day.
Live chat is operational on Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:30am and 5pm, simply click on the chat bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of the page to speak to a member of our team via our Live Chat service. This excludes Bank Holidays where our customer services will resume and operate Tuesday to Friday 8.30am – 5pm.
If you’re looking for inspiration, then have a browse of our website and Instagram or Pinterest page.
General Paints Group – Colourtrend or Curator Community Forums:
We want to hear from you and encourage comments, critiques, questions, and suggestions. We ask that you simply stay on topic, respect other people’s opinions, avoid profanity, offensive statements, illegal content, and anything else that might otherwise violate our standard terms and conditions.
We aim to create an interactive community where all members feel safe and welcome. We encourage active participation in conversations however we reserve the right to remove any content in breach of our community guidelines. Content will be monitored by the community ambassador.
We ask that you refrain from posting comments that contain links to other websites.